Monthly Archives: August 2009


“As you grow older, your circle of friends becomes smaller, and you end up with lesser close friends”

I could literally count the number of close friends I have around me and indeed do I consider myself fortunate enough to have them around. I thank God that the friendships still last till today, growing strongly.

Met up with girlfriend Maxine and Jasmine on friday. Jas left early; Max and I stayed throughout the night till the cafe closed for the night. As usual, girls talk could last for hours and we never get bored of it. I really miss her. 🙂

Just came home from supper under the void deck with aggy darling. Another babe of mine that I really miss. I love the fact that I could be myself in front of her and vice versa and the fact that she is so genuine.

And so I was telling my mother that I am meeting aggy downstairs and she became all defensive (I got to blog about it)

Mother: NOW? where are you going? why so late still want to meet?

P: I am just going for supper with nes cos she asked me out, anyway its just downstairs.

Mother: even if its downstairs it is still unsafe due to the timing, better take an umbrella down with you! For protection and you know.. in case.. it is so unsafe in the neighbourhood. Bring the BIG one, I mean. Moreover, God knows which unearthly hour you would return home. better bring, better bring.

P: WHAT? ARE YOU JOKING? UMBRELLA? Nes is going to laugh at me!

I rolled my eyes at her.

Mother: I am serious.

Therefore, with her “instructions”, I brought the umbrella down. I have no choice but to do it because she was watching me as I leave the house. True enough, aggy laughed at me when she saw me! My goodness can you just imagine, me wearing shorts and an oversized tee carrying a huge umbrella. -______-”

Seriously I dont know when my mother has become SO paranoid.

I really think she worries too much at times, period

My face smells of rose and pine now because of the facial mask that I had just applied. I am loving the smell. Shall be heading the pillow now and wake up to a brand MONDAY MORNING later.



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It’s a holiday affair

maxine 21st 026


Semester 3.1 has been an upheaval of emotions coupled with stress and anxiety laden days. My goodness, those sleepless nights and those frightening dreams are definitely not something I want to revisit.

Nonetheless, I reminisce the times spent with the teachers and children, I cherished the experiences learnt there. In short, I would not regret FP 3.1. It is indeed, to me, a valuable life experience.


As I was saying, my well deserved break is HERE.

Doing the things I like, meeting the people I love, earning some extra moolah suddenly seem enticing to me.

This time its going to be a slight change. Instead of working myself till i drop, I am going to take some time off to enjoy some personal time with myself, my girls, my guys and my loved ones.

Of late, future plans have been streaming endlessly into my head, making me think more than I usually do. For the things that are not seen, I gladly await it with faith, bearing with hope deep in my heart. For I know I am not alone and I will never be alone.

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